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A Few Shovels Short of a Load

Good Ole Boys … Gone Bad

Originally published February 26, 2016

“Hey old friend, where have you been?” LeRoy addressed his longtime pal, who had just pulled up in the beat up old blue chevy pickup.

“Oh I have been hob knobbing with the politicos,” replied Bubba.

“Wow, I don’t think I have seen you in a suit and tie, outside of the occasional funeral and wedding”, LeRoy observed, poking some fun at his friend.

“Well you know, when you attend social functions with the commish and a State Senator, you do have to maintain certain de-cor-um”, Bubba answered.

“So what was the big event?” LeRoy quized.

Bubba began, “well they had a ribbon cuttin’ and ground breakin’ up in Moyock. Over in the industrial park behind the recycling place”, Bubba added.

LeRoy had a blank look, but was listening as his friend elaborated on the event.

“You know, just south of the old Ferrell Brothers saw mill at Guinea,” Bubba clarified the location.

LeRoy acknowledged Bubbas description with a nod.

“Well seems we have a new business in the county – they’ll be making cement containers to haul and store nuke-u-lar waste”, Bubba finished.

“Don’t you mean ‘nuclear’?” LeRoy corrected his friends struggling pronounciation.

Bubba nodded and replied with a degree of agitation, “that’s exactly what I said!”

LeRoy started “well that does sound exciting. Did you learn anything else while you were being the social butterfly?”

“I surely did,” Bubba said with a chuckle and a wink. “I’m kind of embarassed for our fine county,” Bubba added.

“Do tell, what do you mean”, LeRoy asked Bubba.

“Well when it came time to actually break ground, they didn’t have enough shovels for all the dignitaries,” Bubba said with a scowl.

LeRoy chimed in “well I bet that was sight, all those politicians and local officials fightin’ over shovels.” He laughed at the mental image which unfolded.

Bubba laughed along with his friend.

LeRoy added, “you know,” he paused, “as much money as we make on Occupancy Tax from the beach, we should be able to afford plenty of shovels.”

“Dontcha think so?” Bubba chimed in. He continued, “As many politicians as we have around here, we oughta have plenty of shovels waiting around.”

He finished his thought, “at least then the fine folks of Currituck would be armed with the tools to dispose of all that political BS, and rumors!”

They both chuckled heartily as they moved their conversation inside LeRoy’s old woodshed.

Copyright © 2002 – 2020 : The Independent, &
John H Snowden, III
All Rights Reserved, All Wrongs Righted!
Stories may be freely distributed with authoring credit intact

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