In a news release dated March 16, 2020, issued by Camden County NC Government the following guidance is provided for Camden County, NC government offices / departments:
- Due to the current Coronavirus concern and its effects on the elderly, the Camden County Sernior Center will be closed to the public effective 5 pm Monday, March 16, 2020 until further notice. All activities and trips are cancelled. The situation will be re-evaluated in two weeks. The Senior Center will be fully cleaned and sanitized before reopening.
- Camden Parks and Recreation programs are cancelled at least through Friday, March 27, 2020. County officials will meet Thursday, March 26, 2020 to discuss the status of programs and facilities based on the most recent available Coronavirus information.
- The Camden County Library will be close to the public effective 6 pm on Monday, March 16, 2020 until further notice. The Camden County Library offers a full array of digital content including eBooks and eAudioBooks that can be enjoyed from home by anyone with a Camden County Library card.
- The Dismal Swamp Visitor Center will be closed to the public until further notice. Visitor Center staff will continue to answer phone calls and emails, etc. and the Center will be thoroughly cleaned.
- The Camden Conty 4-H has temporarily suspended education programming at this time. For the raminder of March this primarily impacts planned 4-H activities. Additionally, with Camden County Schools being closed, all 4_H school enrichment activities are being postponed. However, the office is still open and receiving client calls.walk-ins and making farm visits.
- This is a preliminary decision to limit the spread of the virus and protect the health of residents.
Full-time staff will continue to work during normal business hours and can be contacted via telephone at 252-338-1919 for any assistance. Outreach services will be handled by phone. The public is advised that temporary closure may be extended, depending on health and safety concerns related to the Coronavirus. We encourage everyone to following updates on Facebook and our website:
According to North Carolina Health and Human Services, the best thing residents can do is to stay home if you are sick. The Officeof Emergency Management also advises residents to following the below guidelines to minimize risk:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
- Use an alcohol-based sanitizer if available
- Avoid touching high-touch/traffic surfaces in public places
- Avoid touch your nose, mouth, eyes and face
- Clean and disinfect your car and household items
- Avoid all non-essential travel
- Sanitize your cell phone and all personal items
“As of today we are not aware of anyone within Camden County hving the virus or who have had direct exposure to it (Coronavirus). Nevertheless, we are implementing these steps out of caution and concern for our citizens and their families. Hopefully we will get back to our regular routines in a few weeks”, said Tom White, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners.
“We are constantly monitoring the virus and will reopen facilities as soon as we believe it is safe for our families and our children”. said Ken Bowman, Camden County Manager.
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